Looks like you've wandered and found my website, pretty nifty isn't it?
My name is King of Wolves, you might know me from Neopets. One day, I tried to make a guild for the purpouse of getting teammates to make a game with, because doing it all alone can get lonely.
Unfortunately, it proved difficult to do this without linking to other websites, as a result, I got my first warning on Neopets.
But now! I have my OWN website, meaning I can do whatever I want!
You can find information of my game here
December 22nd
Melon Head no longer has his page, because the videos
he made were too long to be resonably compressed to 25MB for
Github Pages rules. And his page was mainly about them.
I added background pictures to some of the pages
so they can look cooler.
December 2nd (Late)
My brother dino_warrior5 has his own page, but he prefers the alias "Melon Head", you can check it out by clicking the emblem on the top left. Also, some new videos are coming out soon as evidenced by the new videos page! The videos have already been made, but need to be compressed for GitHub.
September 11 2024
Added more Minecraft photos.
November 16 2024
I updated the site's look, tried to make it look cool
Added more pages, to make each page have a specific topic
Changed the header to be rendered with JavaScript, so it'll stay the same for every page, even new ones
I do pretty much whatever I can think of, I don't think there could be any limit to what I do, as long as I try hard enough.
I like to program and play video games, whenever I think of a nice game idea I try to program it, and if it fails, I'll probably try again in the future.
Although, ideas come pretty frequently, so I tend to have too much projects, leaving some to bite the dust.
Program languages I know
Name | Skill rating |
Godot | Moving on |
Roblox (Lua) | 7/10 |
Javascript | 8/10 |
Sega Genesis Dev Kit [C] | 3/10 |
Information on the games I play and how you can play with me, are written here
Occasionally, when inspiration strikes, I'll draw a picture. First times usually appear rough, but I know I'll do better later
I'm looking at you, first Draconik drawing... I didn't even get the wing flapping right.