My name is King_of_wolves10, but I accept nicknames. You know I was called Wolfie once?

Song stuck in my head for the moment

Digimon the Movie - Intro (Short)

Audio Source: Here

Last updated: 12/22 4:26 PM

I am just a geek, a nerd, and any other word that fits, and thats ok. I play a lot of video games
such as Neverwinter Nights, Halo, D&D, oh and Neopets!

I thought about sharing images and stories about these games, and other ones too. Click a game to see screenshots and stories.

Neverwinter Nights

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This is a D&D Action RPG, I like playing this game with my brother, dino_warrior5 a.k.a "Lupos Lignum".
My character name is "Roland", I haven't decided on a last name. These are also the characters we use for D&D

Click an Image to view a high quality, and/or uncropped version

The player on the Left is Lupos, (dinowarrior) and the right one is Roland (Me)

A sketch of Roland from my D&D page

Lupos Lignum


Some pixels are cut off from the bottom of the portrait, because Neverwinter Nights crops them
To get our clothes looking like our portraits, we made a custom module that has custom clothes,
put it on, and exported our characters. Ain't it the coolest thing that NWN lets you make your own levels?

This is the time I got stuck in a crate, and me and Lupos had to break it.

This time, the box didn't need to be broken, because as soon as I hit "Bash", my character escaped.

I like dogs and wolves.

Dog in the City Core.

This one's really good. It helped us fight an evil character.

Toolset/Module screenshots.

I made a Castle

Wanna know how to play NWN online? Here's two words: GameRanger!
Minecraft: Playstation 3 Edition
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Minecraft, like most, I've been playing this for a long time, unfortuntely, I don't got any old worlds to prove it, but here are some builds me and Dinowarrior made recently.

Specific images can be explored! Click on them to view the full photo, and there will be buttons if you can explore them.

Yarr matey, this be a Pirate ship. It's mostly complete.

This is a village me and my bro built for PvP!

A little inside joke

The Griffin's house

I built a small whitehouse, where Marcus Persson is president!

How he became president was a tough journey against 4 trials!
Where a few freinds of mine, and my parents voted for Villagers that we're named after famous people.

Trial 1: The top 4 voted Villagers would be thrown into the pit, where zombies were placed in the edges to herd them to the slime. The first to land on a gold block, WINS!

Trial 2: Villagers will be chased by zombies, first one to the finish line wins!

Trial 3: Villagers will start from the top, and fall to the bottom, while of course, having zombies herd them. First to the bottom WINS!

Trial 4: A few Villagers are put into a maze, whoever wasn't voted doesn't even get a chance to win. All of the Villagers are chased by zombies, last person standing, or the first to reach the exit (which is very unlikely) BECOMES PRESIDENT!!!

Do you dare challenge my maze? You can build it yourself, or visit the maze in person by contacting KingWrath23 on PS3.

Here's an amazing stone Dragon statue I built in Survival Mode.

Multiplayer World

These are builds in my world I play on with friends

I gave my friend the blocks to do this, I never told him what is was for, he just knew.

Handy when waiting for friends.

Cake shop! Yumyumyumyumyum.

There was a time where I caught one of my friends stealing cake from the shop
He drew his Stone Sword at me (Armorless by the way) and I, with my Iron Armor, drew my Diamond Sword
He hung his head down, and handed the cakes back. I can't be too mad at him, he made that day less boring.